
The Cosmic War (Part 1) 4-5

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Literature Text

The Cosmic War -Part 1-
By Eric B. (Shnoogums)

(We soon return from our commercial.)

(As we return from our commercial, the four Morrison Rangers (Donald, Mecca, Delphine and Sweetie Belle) were standing face-to-face with the insane Psycho Red of the Psycho Rangers in King's Park.)

Donald: *sighs* What's with you Psycho Rangers that you always have to come and ruin our lives each and every single time?

Psycho Red: *chuckles evilly* You know us, rangers. We're the masters at making people's lives a living hell... and now, we're doing this for the cause of the Dark Genesis and their evil royal monarchs.

Mecca: Evil what now?

Sweetie Belle: *gasps* Is Queen Chrysalis coming back to life again?

Donald: I don't think this is the monarchs that he meant, Sweetie Belle. It must be the queen of this... Dark Genesis that we've just heard now that Mark told us about before... i think. Kind of a weird group name for those diva baddies there.

Psycho Red: Hey now, don't insult them, ranger. They're the ones that will soon dominate the entire universe, as well as getting the powers of that Heather Solomon.

Donald, Mecca, Delphine and Sweetie Belle: SAY WHAT?

Donald: Get Heather's powers? We won't let you do that, you creep.

Psycho Red: Oh, but you will. In fact... i believe the time has come to surrender to the Dark Genesis' troups, so make it easy on yourself and do surrender now, ranger. Otherwise...

(When Psycho Red said "Otherwise" to the four rangers, a squadron of Genecite Soldiers appeared on the spot, surprising the rangers when they saw them. However, Donald and the three female rangers would rather get set to fight Psycho Red and the Genecites Soldiers.)

Donald: Don't think for one second we'll surrender to you, Psycho Red.

Delphine, Mecca and Sweetie Belle: *makes serious poses* YEAH!!

Psycho Red: Oh really? Well, in that case, if you want to fight me and my troups, then be my guests... although you'll all lose in the end.

Donald: We'll see about that. You girls ready?

Delphine, Mecca and Sweetie Belle: READY!!

Donald: Alright then...

Donald, Mecca and Delphine: It's Morphin' Time.

(Background Music: Final Destination from Super Smash Bros. Brawl)

(In a Power Rangers 2010-style of visual effects, a flash of colorful lightning came crashing down onto the three rangers, as they held out their Power Morphers.)

Delphine: Pterodactyl!

(Delphine morphs into the Pink Delphine Ranger as she pulls out her Power Bow.)

Mecca: Sabertooth Tiger!

(Mecca morphs into the Yellow Mecca Ranger as she pulls out her twin Power Daggers.)

Donald: Dragonzord!

(Donald morphs into the Green Morrison Ranger as he pulls out his Dragon Dagger. Now, it was Sweetie Belle’s turn to morph.)

Sweetie Belle: Zeo Pony, Power Up!

(In a Power Rangers Zeo-style of visual effects, a data grid-like beam started scanning Sweetie Belle's body from head to hoof, morphing her into the Gold Zeo Pony Ranger as Sweetie Belle pulls out her Gold Power Shield. The rangers then posed together once they were now in their ranger forms, though Psycho Red and the Genecite Soldiers were not impressed.)

All Four Rangers: *posed* Power Rangers!

Psycho Red: Pfft. Like i've seen that thousands of times already. Genecites! Crush them... but leave the green one to me. He's mine!

Genecites Soldiers: Yes, sir!!

(Right on cue, Psycho Red and the Genecite Soldiers rushed to battle the four rangers. However, the four of them were ready for them.)

Donald: Alright, guys. Let's go get them!

Delphine, Mecca and Sweetie Belle: Right!

(And as such, the four rangers would also rush towards the insane evil ranger and the Genecite Soldiers, colliding against one another, starting another battle, this time in Winnipeg. At that point on, we would get a montage of scenes of the rangers battling against Psycho Red and the Genecites soldiers, such as Donald slashing Psycho Red three times with his Dragon Dagger, Delphine shooting arrows at six Genecites Soldiers with her Power Bow, Mecca rapidly slashing five Genecites Soldiers with her Power Daggers, Sweetie Belle throwing her Gold Power Shield and four incoming Genecites Soldiers and more. But as the Genecites Soldiers went down, they immediately came back up, feeling little effect from the three female rangers' Power Weapons.)

Genecite Soldier 27: Not a scratch on our bodies, Power Rangers.

Genecite Soldier 19: That's right, our bodies are enhanced to take lots of pain and keep coming back for more.

Delphine: What? Whoa, i thought these soldiers that those divas had fought would easily go down.

Mecca: Well, it doesn't look like it.

Sweetie Belle: Well, here's some more of my Gold Power Shield, you crazy soldiers.

(Sweetie Belle tosses her Gold Power Shield again, but unlike the previous time that it hit them, one of the Genecite Soldiers managed to grab it, surprising the three female rangers in the process.)

Delphine, Mecca and Sweetie Belle: Wha...?

Genecite Soldier 56: Hah! Nice try, little pony ranger, but that tactic won't work twice. Now, taste your own weapon!

(And as such, the Genecite Soldier tossed Sweetie Belle's own shield against the three female rangers, hitting them real hard in the process and sending them crashing onto the ground.)

Delphine, Mecca and Sweetie Belle: *all got hit and crashed onto the ground* YEOUCH!!

Mecca: *pants* Man, these guys are tough.

Sweetie Belle: We can't give up now, we've got to crush those soldiers down!

Genecite Soldier: You won't be doing any more crushing on us, little pony.

Mecca: Man, you guys are in a hurry to finish this. Alright then, eat my kicks, you crazy soldier.

(When Mecca got back on her feet, she rushed towards the Genecite Soldier and delivered two fierce kicks on her, but the enhanced soldier would block both her kicks and would deliver one fierce punch of her own, sending her crashing back onto her fellow rangers.)

Mecca: OWW!!

Delphine: Oh my, this is not going well here. But i will not give up this fight, so... *brings her Power Bow out and prepares an arrow* Eat one of my Power Arrows, you...

(But before Delphine could fire it, the soldiers would bring out their own firearms, in the form of Magpul PDR-C assault rifles, modified into laser blasters, and fired some shots in Delphine's direction, hitting her a couple of times and hit the ground, as she tossed her Power Bow away as she got damaged by the laser blasts.)

Mecca: Delphine!

Sweetie Belle: Oh no!

Delphine: Ugh... These ladies sure are a lot more meaner than Mesogog's troops, aren't they?

Mecca: Yeah, not to mention a lot harder to hit too.

Sweetie Belle: And more vicious than Chrysalis' Changelings as well.

(While the three female rangers tried to get back on their feet, we see Donald fighting against Psycho Red, in which despite being hit by the young heroic ranger, the psychotic ranger struck back by using as many weapons as he could've brought with him. First, as Donald would try to kick Psycho Red down, the evil ranger countered by hitting him three times with brass knuckles in his two hands, sending Donald crashing into the ground.)

Psycho Red: *evil laughter* What's the matter, ranger? Not quite as good as you thought you'd be?

Donald: *pants* Gee, you're quite tough, Psycho Red. But i'm not gonna quit, even if i'm hurt.

Psycho Red: Oh no? Well then, let's see how you'll be able to endure this.

(As Donald gets back on his feet with some difficulty, Psycho Red would retaliate by swinging a chain whip in the young ranger's direction, although Donald would duck the whip's swing and he would strike back by blasting Psycho Red's chest in using his Blade Blaster, hitting him three times.)

Psycho Red: ARGH!! Trying to get the upper hand on me, huh? Well, i'll see that you pay for this, ranger.

Donald: Try me, Psycho Red.

(As Psycho Red grabbed a spiked baseball bat and delivered a swinging hit in Donald's direction, we would cut to Videoland, where Eric B., who was in his game master form, would be sent crashing onto the ground of the Wonder Army's headquarters, courtesy of Commander Borf's fists.)

Commander Borf: *chuckles evilly* You don't have a chance against me, human. Better surrender now, while your body is still in one piece.

Eric B.: *winces in pain* I've always hated you, Commander Borf, you and your crazy ambushing attacks.

Commander Borf: You simply got to be fast there, gamer... which you're not.

Eric B.: Oh yeah? Well, have a taste of my SNES Mouse Whip, Borfy.

(Wanting to regain control of the fight, Eric B. activated his SNES Mouse and would whip it in Commander Borf's direction, but the evil burly alien saw the whipping coming and while the whipping part would circle around his wrist, he would pull the bald game master right in his direction and would be using his body as a punching bag, pummeling him four times before sending him crashing onto the ground again.)

Eric B.: OWW!! Ugh, this isn't going so well.

Commander Borf: But it is for me. And soon, your game will be over, game master. *laughed evilly*

Eric B.: Gnnn... We'll see about that, Borf.

(As he said that, he rushed back towards Commander Borf, though as he did that, we quickly change locations, as we're now back in Townsville, with Sailor Saturn, Sailor Silence and Jose, who was in his Toony form, and the trio were dealing with Grifforzar, Lamie and Develon, just as Bandora's former hench-aliens were slashing the two sailor warriors twice before sending them crashing onto the ground, while Jose used his paint brush and painted a big boulder and Develon's thunder bubble attacks would have no effect on it, sending them back at the small black dragon.)

Develon: *gets zapped by his own thunder bubbles* OWWW!!

Jose: Hehehe. You know, for a small dragon like yourself, you're not quite as tough as you claim to be.

Develon: Grr! Yo, up there, you promised me that you'd power me up.

(Hearing the call from Develon from her outerspace headquarters, the mysterious evil queen prepares her dark magic to power Develon up.)

Mystery Shadow Queen: Alright, Develon, you want to be powered up? Then, here's what i've promised you.

(And right on cue, she fired her dark magic from her headquarters and right into the direction of Townsville, as the dark magic would hit Develon and a transformation in the small black dragon would soon be taking place, changing his normal small body into a much more larger version of him. Jose would be shocked to see Develon's transformation taking place.)

Jose: Huh? What the...?

(When the transformation was done, he was now in a true dragon shape, similar to the Red Eyes Black Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh. Also, he would now be renamed Mega Develon, due to the transformation that took place moments ago.)

Mega Develon: *laughs evilly* Yo, puny cartoon boy. Say hello... to Mega Develon. *laughs evilly again*

Jose: *gulps* Oh boy, now there's something i wasn't expecting to see.

Mega Develon: Ha ha! It sure isn't something you were expecting to see, toony boy, isn't it? And now, let's see how well you can handle my mega thunder breath attack.

Jose: What?

(Not wasting time, Mega Develon rapidly fired thunder from its mouth, blasting Jose's body real hard and sending him crashing into the wall of his house. He became dizzy as a result.)

Jose: *dizzy look* Oh my. Look at the pretty stars. Ho ho ho.

Sailor Saturn: Jose!!

Sailor Silence: Oh man. I'll make you pay for this, you stupid dragon.

(With vengeance on her mind, Sailor Silence took her two chakrams and rushed straight in Mega Develon's direction, getting ready to slash him real good. But Lami would be standing in the gloomy sailor scout's way.)

Lamie: You've forgotten about me already? Here, let me remind you about who you're dealing with.

(And as such, Lamie would be using her sharp boomerang-like weapon, the Lamie Boomerang and tossed it in Sailor Silence's direction, but the gloomy sailor warrior would repel it, using one of her chakrams, sending it back to Lamie, thus she got hit instead and got sent crashing into the ground.)

Sailor Silence: Heh. Looks like you felt your own sting there, scorpion lady. Now, if you'll excuse me, i'll go check on my companion.

(And thus, Sailor Silence went to check on Jose, but Grifforzar would take notice of her darling being downed by the gloomy sailor warrior and would prepare to send one of his blasts towards her.)

Grifforzar: Don't think i'm letting you get away in blasting my beloved Lamie, you foolish hu... *gets slashed by Sailor Saturn's Silent Glaive* ARGH!!

Sailor Saturn: And don't think i'm letting you attack my sister from behind, you golden monkey.

Grifforzar: Golden monkey? I'm a half lion, half griffin warrior, not a monkey!

Sailor Saturn: Well, here's me making a monkey out of you with my Silent Glaive.

(And at that moment, Sailor Saturn would jump in Grifforzar's direction, getting ready to slash the half lion, half griffin alien warrior's body, but he responded back by using his sword, the Grifocaliber IV, and would slash Sailor Saturn's body twice, sending back crashing back onto the ground and forcing her to drop her Silent Glaive weapon in the process.)

Grifforzar: *laughs evilly* What do you think of that now, huh?

Sailor Saturn: Ugh, this is one of those worst days. *pants*

Sailor Silence: *carrying Jose in his arms* Sis, are you okay?

Sailor Saturn: *pants* No, that alien totally hurted me with his sword.

Jose: *pants* Man, what's with these guys working as one here anyway?

Lamie: *chuckles evilly* You want to know why? You'll soon find out about why we're working as one, human cartoon boy. Darling, Mega Develon. Shall we?

Grifforzar: Yes!

Mega Develon: Let's finish things off right now!

Sailor Saturn, Sailor Silence and Jose: Uh-Oh.

(With evil glowing looks in their eyes, all three monsterous villains fired some blasts in the direction of the three downed heroes. And as an explosion took place, hitting all three heroes, we would go back to Abel City, where Gambu was in the middle of a battle against Julia Hernadez, as the Neo-Japanese explosive expert would be tossing two Bob-Ombs in the spikey haired teen's wayand exploded, forcing Gambu to dodge the Bob-Ombs in the process.)

Gambu: Whoa, hey! Watch it, you crazy lady!

Julia: Why don't you just stand still, so that i may blow your freakin' head out, boy!

Gambu: Man, you sure are one crazy bimbo. But i won't let you blow me to bits. And here's why.

(Soon enough, Gambu started to charge his power, as his eyes started to glow in multiple colors of the rainbow, meaning he was about to let Julia have it. After ten seconds of powering up, Gambu fires a fully charged thunder blast in the Neo-Japanese explosive expert's direction, but just by luck, she dodged the shot like a pro, leaving the young HyperManiaX leader completely stunned, as he wasn't expecting her to dodge his thunder blast.)

Gambu:  Wha...? What the...?

Julia: HA! Nice try, spikey boy, but that won't save you from my ultimate rocket blaster.

Gambu: Huh?

(Without wasting time, Julia grabbed a big rocket blaster, jumped high in the air and fired two rapid rockets in Gambu's direction, hitting him as the rockets hit the ground and sending him crashing onto the ground, severely hurting him in the process. Julia would land after she was done using her rocket blaster.)

Julia: Hehehe, bet you weren't expecting this rocket blast, did you boy?

Gambu: *tries to get up, but to no avail* Ugh...

Julia: Hmph. I'd better capture this guy and bring him to the other prisoners. *grabs her radio and contacts Sylvia* Yo, Sylvia, my dear. How are you doing back home? Did you capture those girls that you were asked to capture?

(When she asked that question to Sylvia, we cut back to Neo-Japan, as we see the Neo-Japanese hand-to-hand combat expert herself having the upper hand on Yuna and Alondra, tossing both ladies down onto the ground, as another battle rages on. She would then grab her radio, hearing the call from Julia herself.)

Sylvia: Not yet, but i'm really dominating them. I'll have them wrapped up soon, so that they would join those other soon-to-be captured prisoners as well.

Julia's voice: *on radio* Okay... but make sure that not to let anyone warn those divas, like that queen ordered those monsters and us about it.

Sylvia: Roger that. Sylvia out. *closes her radio* Alright, you two, i've had enough fun, now it's time to wrap you good and bring you...

Alondra: Not on your lifetime, you crazy crook. Yuna, let's double kick her out.

Yuna: Understood, Alondra-sensei!

(Ensuring that neither of the two heroic ladies would end up captured by Sylvia, they would jump in air and would use their feet to double kick Sylvia, but the Neo-Japanese hand-to-hand combatant dodged the kicks and countered by double punching them both twice in their chests. After being hit, they would collapse onto the ground in pain, as well as being knocked out, ending the battle with Sylvia in Neo-Japan, with the villainous crook grabbing some ropes and quickly tied their hands behind their backs.)

Sylvia: Hehehe. Two down... and who knows if Julia and those monsters have gotten the job done. I wonder how they're faring against those foolish heroes anyway.

(To answer Sylvia's question, we cut back to Sai's home, as she and Sakuya were dealing with twelve Genecite Soldiers, as the two kunoichi lovers would be slashing them with their respective blades, although the more they were slashing the tougher soldiers, the more they would get back up and come back for more.)

Sai: *slash two Genecite Soldiers* Man, these military ladies sure knows how to take a beating and come back ticking here, Saku.

Sakuya: *slash three more Genecite Soldiers* No kidding, Sai. It's like they're a lot stronger than either the Organization men or the Black Viper clones. They don't know when to stop.

Genecite Soldier 42: *gets slashed, but comes back for more* Oh, we'll stop when you two are captured. Get them!!

(As Sai and Sakuya continued battling the Genecite Soldiers, seven more jumped from behind and managed to grab Sai, although the fierce ninja managed to shove Sakuya out of the way, ensuring that she wouldn't get captured.)

Sakuya: Oww! Huh? *sees Sai being ganged up* Sai!!

Sai: Saku, get out of here! Go warn your fellow maidens of the problem that- *gets punched by two Genecite Soldiers* OWW!!

Sakuya: SAI!!

Genecite Soldier 56: Get that other ninja girl, NOW!!

(Seeing that Sai was knocked out, Sakuya had no choice but to run out of their home, so she headed to the exit and while six Genecite Soldiers tried to grab Sakuya's body parts with their hands, she managed to avoid them all, thus the light blue haired kunoichi has managed to escape capture from them.)

Sakuya: I'll come back to save you later, Sai. Just hang in there.

(And as such, Sakuya ran out of their house as fast as she could and rushed to get to her headquarters, so that she may warn her two fellow maidens and her boss Kanade about what took place a while ago. Meanwhile, we cut back to Winnipeg, where Psycho Red continued to manhandle Donald, Mecca, Delphine and Sweetie Belle, just as the four rangers were having troubles getting back on their feet.)

Psycho Red: *chuckles evilly* What's the matter, rangers? Can't keep up with my furious attacks?

Mecca: *pants* Don't think... that we're out yet... you psychotic ranger.

Delphine: *pants* Indeed. It's not... over, until we... rangers defeat you... you crazy ranger.

Sweetie Belle: *pants* Even if we're... less than 100%, we'll still... find a way to beat you.

Donald: *pants* And you can... take that to the bank... Psycho Red.

Psycho Red: Oh please, i'm having you four on the ropes and you think you can defeat me? HA! Don't make me laugh. Besides, i think i've toyed around enough with you four, so... *grabs a blued Colt MK IV Series 80 pistol* ...i'll add the finishing touch to this fight now.

Donald, Mecca, Delphine and Sweetie Belle: YIKES!!

(Without wasting time, Psycho Red started to fire some shots from his pistol, although miraculously, the four rangers managed to move out of the way, which angered Psycho Red for a bit.)

Psycho Red: Hey! No dodging my shots, stupid rangers! *grabs a two-tone SIG-Sauer P229 pistol* This will stop you from dodging my shots!!

(Psycho Red fired more shots from his other pistol, but once again, the rangers managed to dodge the shots. Psycho Red was beginning to lose his patience, as the four rangers got back on their feet, but with some difficulty.)

Psycho Red: GRRR!!! These guns are worthless... *something clicks in* But perhaps... *grabbed a Banzai Bill* THIS WILL DO THE TRICK!!

Donald, Mecca, Delphine and Sweetie Belle: YIKES... AGAIN!!!

Psycho Red: Yes again!!! Now, let's see you dodge this!!

(With fury in his eyes, Psycho Red tossed the Banzai Bill in the rangers' direction, but this time, the large missile managed to hit the four rangers, sending them flying high in the air for a few seconds.)

Donald, Mecca, Delphine and Sweetie Belle: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

(After flying in the air for those few seconds, they would be crashing onto the ground, thus forcing them to demorph back to their civilian forms and ending the battle in Winnipeg, with Psycho Red as the victor of this battle.)

(End Final Destination)

Psycho Red: Hehehehehe. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I don't know about you, rangers, but I'm having a ball. *points to the Genecite Soldiers* You there, pick up those four rangers. They'll be joining with the other heroes... though just to make sure... *grabs the radio* Yo, guys. Have you managed to capture your targets yet?

(As Psycho Red asked that question, we cut back to the 17th century era unknown world, as Ryota and Johnny continued battling Benkei and Yoshitsune, where the big burly monk warrior tossed his massive staff with a Tekyuu on each end in Ryota's direction, hitting the brave Blazing Dragon member real hard, while Johnny tried to deliver some kicks in Yoshitsune's body, but each time he tried hitting him, the samurai warrior would dodge the kicks and he would counter by slashing his sword in Johnny's body twice, hurting him good and sending him crashing onto the ground, close to where his partner was.)

Johnny: *pants* Man. I knew these warriors were tough... but i never thought they would be this tough.

Ryota: Well, we can't give up, Johnny. We have to beat these guys and send them packing for good.

Johnny: Alright then, how about we gave them a double whammy?

Ryota: You got it. Let's double whammy those two freaks.

Benkei and Yoshitsune: Huh?

(At that moment, both Ryota and Johnny rushed with their nunchucks in their hands and got ready to give some punching and kicking pain to Yoritomo's two henchmen, but as they were about to do so, a dark portal appeared and out came seven Genecite Soldiers, carrying their Magpul PDR-C assault rifles, modified into laser blasters, and fired some shots in the two Soul Fest fighters, hitting them a couple of times and sending them crashing onto the ground in pain, ending the battle against the two Feudal Japan warriors, though Benkei and Yoshitsune were a bit upset at the soldiers.)

Benkei: HEY!! We had everything under control, ladies.

Yoshitsune: Yeah, what is the meaning of this anyway?

Genecite Soldier 78: The capture mission has taken you two too long to handle, so we came to make sure that your targets would be captured as quick as possible.

(As the powered-up soldier continued to explain, we get a montage of still pictures, where we see Psycho Red laughing evilly, as four Genecite Soldiers held the unconscious bodies of Donald, Mecca, Delphine and Sweetie Belle in Winnipeg, Commander Borf carrying the unconscious bald game master Eric B. in his blueish shoulders in Videoland, Jose being tied up with his own arms by Mega Develon, while Grifforzar and Lamie had knocked out Sailors Saturn and Silence and were holding them into their arms in Townsville, Gambu being tied up with laser ropes by Julia in Abel City, Alondra and Yuna being unconscious and carried by two Genecite Soldiers, with Sylvia smiling evilly for a job well done and Sai being held by four Genecite Soldiers, though the rest were being back up after being knocked down by Sakuya, the latter who has escaped.)

Genecite Soldier 78's voice: The other monsters, as well as Nega Damsel's minions has succeeded in their capture mission and it didn't take them too long to accomplish the job... although one Powerful Maiden has escaped... and we couldn't have found the magician kid and the other two maidens, but more soldiers are searching for them as we speak.

(Back in the unknown 17th century-era world, the soldiers carried the unconscious Johnny and Ryota, while Benkei and Yoshitsune were still a bit unhappy about how their capture mission had prematurely ended.)

Benkei: BAH, what do we care about those other people that the others had to capture? We wanted to succeed in OUR mission, lady. We're gonna have to have a word with that queen of theirs once we head back to their place, Yoshitsune.

Yoshitsune: We can't. Someone you and me know very well is within the body of that other ninja girl and if we question their judgement, then we'll be in trouble.

Benkei: Oh, alright.

(Despite being unhappy with the result of their capture mission, the two evil samurai warriors headed to the dark portal, along with the other Genecite Soldiers carrying Ryota and Johnny's bodies in their arms.)


(Back in Neo-Japan, Mai and Aurora had taken notice of the battles that had taken place a while ago and were not pleased about how it all ended for each one of them.)

Mai: Tch, this is not good. All of those heroes had been captured by those worthless nobodies. Not good at all.

Aurora: Correct. And from what data i have collected, it appears that they're all related to the friendship of the DX Divas, master.

Mai: And Yuna-chan is one of them.....Tch! *thinking* I'll have to take action on rescuing Yuna-chan. They will pay for touching her. *normal speech* We're gonna have to warn that colonel, so that he may warn the divas about this situation.

(Without wasting time, Mai tapped into her computer keyboard, as she would be calling Colonel Hawkins. However, unbeknownst to Mai, back in the outerspace headquarters, the mysterious evil royal leaders took notice of Mai's idea to call the colonel.)

Mystery Shadow Queen: So sorry to disappoint you, young girl, but you will call no one... and that colonel will not be calling those divas either. Our master plan MUST NOT be ruined. Captain, send down your best soldiers on top of the new Genesis Jets... and order them to destroy that colonel's headquarters on the double!

Captain Jessica: It will be done, my queen. *grabs her radio* Soldiers! Take the Genesis Jets and head to the headquarters of that colonel. Your mission? Destroy those headquarters of his, so that he may never warn those divas about our master plan.

Genecite Soldiers: M'AM, YES M'AM!!

(Receiving their orders, the Genecite Soldiers went to their Genesis Jets, to which the looks of those flying machines were resemblant to those as used by King Mondo's Cog Army in Power Rangers Zeo, and flew out of the outerspace headquarters, heading for Earth and for Colonel Hawkins' headquarters. Meanwhile, back to Neo-Japan again, Mai was contacting Colonel Hawkins on her computer.)

Mai: Colonel Hawkins. This is Mai Nimura calling. Respond

Colonel Hawkins: *on screen* Miss Mai?

Mai: Colonel, some monsters has...

Colonel Hawkins: Yes, we know, Mai, we just saw what was going on in the various locations a few minutes ago... not to mention Walter and Miss Solomon both being captured by that Dark Ge-

(Before the colonel had any time to finish his phrase, Mai's computer screen would soon show some static, meaning he was being cut off for some unknown reason.)

Mai: Colonel? You there? Colonel? Aurora, try to use your hacking systems to bring the colonel back on screen.

Aurora: Negative, master. All contacts with the colonel has been terminated. His headquarters are being under attack as we speak.

Mai: What?

(Background Music: Fierce Battle from Metal Slug 5)

(Aurora's words proved to be correct, as we head back to the colonel's headquarters and the Genesis Jets wasted no time attacking the headquarters, blasting everything in sight with their jets' cannons. Back inside of the headquarters, the explosions caused on the outside has caused the inside to have some explosions as well.)

Soldiers: ARRGHH!!!

Lieutenant Clark: Colonel, the headquarters is under heavy attack. We must retaliate against those flying machines posthaste.

Colonel Hawkins: You heard the lieutenant, destroy those invading jets NOW!!

Soldiers: Sir, yes sir!!

(On the outside of the colonel's headquarters, various cannons would soon come out and would fire in the direction of the Genesis Jets. Some shots managed to hit some jets, destroying them in the process, while some other shots would miss, as the rest of the jets would dodge the shots. A few jets spotted the headquarters' cannons and would retaliate in firing their blasters at some of the cannons, destroying those in the process. As the battle went on, we head back to Neo-Japan once again, as Mai was trying to get the colonel back online.)

Mai: Blasted Machine, work!!. Get me the colonel, i know he had something to t-

Aurora: *warning alarm going off inside of her head* INTRUDER ALERT!! INTRUDER ALERT!!

Mai: What? Intruders. Who's disturbing us now?

(To answer Mai's question, her laboratory's door would soon be rammed down on the ground, as a couple of Genecite Soldiers, armed with the same Magpul PDR-C assault rifles, but modified into capture blasters and would point them in the eccentric Neo-Japanese scientist and her robotic assistant.)

Genecite Soldier 89: Alright, girls, get your hands up and surrender to the Dark Genesis at once.

Mai: HA! Me and Aurora surrending to you? Tch! You don't know who you are messing with, you worthless soldiers.

Genecite Soldier 89: Worthless, eh? Well, let's see if what we'll do to you will make us worthless.

(Right on cue, the Genecite Soldiers fired their capture blasters, sending electric rings right through both Nimuras and imprisoning them in the process.)

Mai: What? Electric rings!? *thinking* Crap, i didn't see that one coming.

Aurora: Analyzing rings. *her eyes had zeros and ones, meaning she's analyzing the capture rings* Capture rings have surrounded our bodies, master. Possibility of escape: Less than 1.5%. They're unbreakable.

Genecite Soldier 89: That's right, girl. These rings are destruction-proof, meaning there's no way for you to escape the capture rings. You'll be making nice prisoners along with those other heroes that we've captured.

Mai: Grrr!! You won't get away with this, you idiotic soldiers.

Genecite Soldier 89: Oh please, i mean... Who's gonna save you from all these binds, huh? No one, that's who.

Voice: You'd better revise your phrase, lady, because I'LL be saving them.

Genecite Soldiers: HUH?

(Without warning, some laser blasts were fired and the shots managed to hit all of the Genecite Soldiers, sending them crashing onto the ground, while the capture lasers would somehow dissipate in an instant, freeing both Mai and Aurora in the process.)

Mai: Finally free from this blasted trap.

Aurora: Indeed, master... although i thought that probability of escape would be less than 1.5%. How could we have managed to be freed in an instant?

Mai: Tch, it's like i said to those soldiers. They're worthless and so's their so called weapons... but... who else is in here?

Voice: That would be me, Miss Nimura.

Mai and Aurora: Huh?

(When they heard the voice speak to them, a figure would be walking inside of Mai's lab, slowly revealing itself to be none other than the masked S.H.I.E.L.D. agent known only as the Returner, who was carrying a OTs-33 Pernach pistol, modified into a laser blaster, in his hands. Mai and Aurora were surprised to see the Returner in the lab.)

Mai: Another masked person? Guess you are in the same party as Shadow Mask and Wonder Mask, huh? Who the hell are you?

Returner: I'm simply called the Returner, Miss Nimura.

Mai: Right, i'm not buying your name at all. Now, what's your real name, subject?

Returner: I can't say just yet... *sees the Genecites Soldiers about to get up* And we don't have time for that, seeing that those soldiers are getting up, so you two must come with me. Fast!

Mai and Aurora: Huh?

(The Returner was correct concerning the Genecite Soldiers, as they were slowly getting back on their feet. Mai, however, was ready to activate her Tech Gauntlets, so that she would fight against the powered up soldiers.)

Mai: Well, you go on ahead and get out of here if you want, "Returner", but i'm not gonna run from these worthless soldiers.

Returner: What? Their strength is a little too strong, Mai, you can't outlast them all with... well, whatever gadget you got on your hands. Aurora, if you can hear me, grab Mai and let's leave this lab. Now!

Mai: Aurora takes commands only from me, subject.

(Sadly for Mai, Aurora's mindset would soon switch from robot mode to human mode, as her hair color changes from cyan green to dark blue. The now changed into human form Aurora would soon notice that the odds are indeed against them.)

Aurora: *voice change* Huh? Mai-chan, that masked man is right, we have to leave the lab right now.

Genecite Soldier 57: Don't let them escape, you guys, get them!!

Mai: Ha, you girls won't do a t- *gets grabbed by Aurora and runs with her* Aurora, what are you doing? Let go of me.

(Not answering her question, Aurora would take Mai and the two would leave the young eccentric Neo-Japanese scientist's laboratory, with the Genecite Soldiers going after them on the double. When the three left the laboratory, they would be heading towards the Returner's rental car, that being a 2014 Toyota Highlander, and they would be getting inside of it. From there, the masked S.H.I.E.L.D. agent started the car and just as the Genecite Soldiers would rush closely to the car, it would speed away from the laboratory, preventing the powered up soldiers from capturing Mai, Aurora and the Returner in the process.)

Genecite Soldier 57: NOOOOO!! *growls* They've flew the coop. I can't believe this.

(As the Genecite Soldiers were frustrated that they've lost their targets to capture, we head back to Montreal, where the jet invasion attack continued on, as more of the Genesis Jets were blasting more of Colonel Hawkins' headquarters with their cannons. On the inside of the headquarters, Michael Walter's superiors were shocked to see that they've lost more of their firepower.)

Colonel Hawkins: I can't believe this is happening. First, Walter's morpher gets destroyed, then the divas' friends gets captured and now, our headquarters are under heavy attack and we've lost more of our firepower. If this keeps up, we'll have to evacuate.

Lieutenant Clark: Well, at the rate things are going, i'm afraid that evacutation is indeed the only option that we have left, colonel.

Colonel Hawkins: Hmmmmm... *hesitates to talk for a few seconds* I guess we have no other choice. Since most of the headquarters is being destroyed, we'll have to evacuate at once. *grabs the microphone* Attention, all soldiers! This is Colonel Ron Hawkins speaking. Seeing that most of our firepower has now been destroyed, i'm left with no choice, but to order all soldiers to head out to the back door and evacuate the headquarters immediately. I repeat, evacuate the headquarters at once!! And soldiers who are not injured should carry their injured compatriots with them, so that we do not lose anyone. Now, get a move on... STAT!!

Soldiers: Sir, yes sir!!

(Receiving the orders from the military leader, all soldiers would be running out of the headquarters by going to the back door. The soldiers that were not injured would carry their fallen comrades in their shoulders and would also be heading out of the headquarters. As for the colonel, he would grab a box, containing a mysterious item and he would join Lieutenant Clark and the rest of the soldiers, as they all ran out of their now destroyed headquarters. As they fled the headquarters, three Genesis Jets fired powered-up shots from their cannons right in what remains of the colonel's headquarters and completely destroyed the rest of it, causing lots of explosions to take place. When the smoke clears out, there was nothing left of the headquarters and the Genesis Jets flew out of the area, their mission now accomplished.)

(End Fierce Battle)

Genecite Soldier 108: Calling his majesty. Calling his majesty. Come in, your highness.

Mystery Shadow Queen: *heading back to the outerspace headquarters* I'm receiving your call. Status report!

Genecite Soldier 108's voice: *on radio* Mission successful, your highness. The colonel's headquarters has been destroyed and there's no trace left of that army of his, nor of the military leaders.

Mystery Shadow Queen: Excellent! And what about that scientist girl in that Neo-Japan world. Has she and her robot both ben captured?

(The HD screen of the outerspace headquarters would soon open, revealing the frustrated Genecite Soldiers who have failed at capturing them. The evil royal leader immediately took notice of their failure.)

Genecite Soldier 57: *on screen* Unfortunately, those two have escaped capture and were taken away by some masked person.

Mystery Shadow Queen: Masked person? GRRRR, THAT SHADOW MASK AGAIN!!!

Genecite Soldier 57: Actually, it was not Shadow Mask. It was some other masked person, in a tuxedo suit or something.

Mystery Shadow Queen: WHAT? WELL, DON'T JUST STAND THERE, YOU MORONS, FIND THEM... NOW!!! *sighs* The things i have to do to ensure that our master plan stays foolproof. *sees someone missing* Hmm? Where's Mandy?

(Upon hearing that question from the mysterious evil royal leader, the ten other members of the Dark Genesis looked around in all directions, but couldn't find the insane hacking midget.)

Dr. Raisha: Hmm? I don't know. Wasn't she with us a moment ago?

Cassidy: Uh yeah. Where could she have gone to?

Maria: Duh, i think i know where she could be, your beautifulness.

Mystery Shadow Queen: Really?

Mystery Shadow Officer Knight: Where?

Maria: Uh, i think i saw her hop on one of her funny looking machines and headed towards one warp portal from our ship... though where she went with it, that i don't know.

Mystery Shadow Queen: Ugh, she must've gone back to Earth. *sighs*

Mystery Shadow Officer Knight: If she gets discovered by those divas, everything we've worked so hard at accomplishing will be all for nothing. Soldiers, get us in contact with Mandy NOW!!

Genecite Soldiers 1 & 2: Yes, your honor.

(To make a long story short, the two Genecite Soldiers would use their computers to contact Mandy, as ordered by their royal leaders, while they and the rest of the Dark Genesis, excepted for Maria, would sigh at what they just heard, concerning the hacking midget heading back to Earth.)

********************(Back on Earth)********************

(While the Dark Genesis tried to get in contact with Mandy, we head back to Heather's floating island, where Veronica has fully recovered from her exaustion running back on Wuhu Island, although she was still laid down on the mansion's sofa in the main living room and was drinking some tea that Nadia has made for her. The head maid was also close to the Neo-Japanese secret agent, as she wanted to see if she was alright.)

Nadia: You're awake, Miss Lee. How are you feeling at this time?

Veronica: I'm getting better now, Nadia. Thanks for asking.

Nadia: Well, that's good to know.

Veronica: And your tea tastes great too. You're really good at making tea, aren't you Nadia dear?

Nadia: *chuckles* That i am, Miss Lee, although i'm also good at plenty of things around the mansion... though sometimes, i also head out and help the divas in any kind of mission that i'm ordered to assist... though right now, i have to keep watch of the mansion, seeing that everyone is gone. Plus, Miss Uemoto hasn't returned from her invitation delivery mission yet... but...

Veronica: You're worried that they may not come back with Heather, is that it?

Nadia: *nods quietly, soft tone* Yeah.

Veronica: *chuckles* Don't worry about them, Nadia. If history is any indication, they'll find that ship of those Dark Genesis creeps and get the captured couple out of there... as well as taking care of those female jerkos once and for all too.

Nadia: *chuckles* Yeah, you're right. I mean, the divas have always beaten this Dark Genesis crew so many times before and this time will be no exception... though getting to that ship, wherever it might be located will be tough.

Veronica: Oh, they'll find a way to get there, Nadia. They always figure something out, especially with Li leading the team, like she always does.

Nadia: Right. Well, do you want more tea, Miss Lee?

Veronica: Well, one more cup of tea will do, although i must have to leave after that and make my report to Kanade about this situation.

Nadia: Oh, knowing the chief of the maidens, she's probably already aware of this situation as we speak... though it would not hurt to give the update on the situation at hand. Anyway, i'll go make some more tea. I'll be right back.

Veronica: Okay, take your time, Nadia.

(The head maid would then leave the main living room to go make some more tea, while Veronica gets up and stretches herself up a little bit. But as continued stretching herself up, the walls in the main living room would soon be crashed to pieces, as a familiar metallic pincer would be grabbing the Neo-Japanese secret agent's body.)

(Background Music: Peach's Castle is Stolen by the Mario Galaxy Orchestra)

Veronica: *gets grabbed by the metallic pincer* GAAAAHHH!! WHAT THE...?

(After being grabbed by the big metallic pincer, Veronica would turn around to see that it was actually Malicious Mandy on board of the Mecha-Spider from earlier in the Wuhu Island scene.)

Mandy: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Mandy!! *cackles insanely*

Veronica: Huh? You again? Ugh, let go of me, you insane midget!!

Mandy: No can do, secret agent babe. I'm taking you to...

Mystery Shadow Queen's voice: *on radio* Mandy! I didn't gave any order for you to go outside, you're needed back at the headquarters!

Mandy: Take it easy, your grouchiness, i've captured that spy woman.

Mystery Shadow Queen's voice: You've what? Oh, fine, take her to the other prisoners at once... but don't you dare desert us again next time!

Mandy: Alright, alright, i'm coming back, your majesty... and i'll take her to the other prisoners, as instructed. *looks at the captured Veronica* Now hold on tight, spy girl.

Veronica: Wha...? *Mandy's Mecha-Spider flies off* AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!

(Not wasting time, Mandy's Mecha-Spider would be jumping through a dark portal that appeared below her and would disappear, with Veronica, now being captured as well. Meanwhile, Nadia and some the maids would rush back to the main living room, as the explosion has gotten their attention, but by the time they got there, they arrived too late and saw the damage that was done to the main living room.)

(End Peach's Castle is Stolen)

Nadia: Miss Lee? Mi- *sees the damage done* Holy sweet mother of god, what happened here? Where did Miss Lee go? *sees her Heckler & Koch USP Match pistol on the ground* Oh no. Her pistol is on the ground... which means... she must've been taken away. But who took her?

(As Nadia asks herself that question, we see Loli Mask entering the living room, as she came back from her invitation delivery, but she quickly noticed the carnage that took place moments ago.)

Loli Mask: Aunt Nadia, i'm b- *sees the carnage* Yikes! What happened in here?

Nadia: Huh? *sees Loli Mask* Uh... *sighs* Trouble has obviously showed its ugly mug in here.

ExVeemon: *holographic screen shows up with him, Stingmon and Servo next to him* That spy babe Veronica has been taken away by Mandy...

Loli Mask: Aunt Veronica? Taken away by Mandy?

ExVeemon: Yeah... and apparently, Heather and Michael have both been taken captive too... by the entire Dark Genesis crew.

Loli Mask: *gasps in horror* SEMPAI? AND MR. MICHAEL? TAKEN CAPTIVE?

ExVeemon: Uh well, yeah...

(Not wanting to hear anymore from ExVeemon, the loli magician speeds off outside of the mansion and heads out to find the place where Heather and Michael has been taken captive, as well as find Veronica. Nadia noticed her hurrying out of the mansion.)

Nadia: Miss Loli Mask, get back here! Let the d-

(But unfortunately, Loli Mask opened her own portal and entered it in a flash, preventing Nadia and some maids to even stop her from going out of the island. Naturally, Nadia was upset at ExVeemon, seeing that he revealed the truth to the loli magician.)

Nadia: You blue freakish knucklehead! Why did you said the truth to her so quickly?

ExVeemon: What are you being mad at me for, Nadia? She wanted to know what happened and this is one situation that could not be ignored, seeing that we detected it from our virtual radars in our cyber area. Sheesh!

Stingmon: I hate to agree with ExVeemon on this one, but he's right. The situation seems to be very serious, as we've noticed here.

Servo: Not to mention that we've also noticed that the invited guests for the ceremony has been captured as well.

Nadia: What? The guests to Mrs. Solomon and Mr. Walter's wedding anniversary celebration have all been captured too? *sighs* Oh no, this can't be happening? What else can go wrong today?


(Back in the skies of Montreal, we see the DX Express Flying Bus Mark II flying on its way to find the Dark Genesis' outerspace headquarters, although the bus continues on its flight, seeing that the DX Divas were not having any luck on finding the large spaceship, in which Heather and Michael were being taken captive.)

Frederica: Man, we've been flying in the skies of Montreal for hours... and so far, we still haven't found zip concerning that ship that those nimrod enemies of ours have taken our mentor and her husband in.

Li: Well, we've got to keep searching, Freddie. Who knows what those creeps has done to them both right now.

Erika: Yeah, well... this is not as easy as it looks, mate. I mean, it's like searching for a needle in a haystack... and the ship is that needle, while the sky is the big haystack... if you get what i'm saying, of course.

Li: I know, Erika... but we've got to rescue them both, before Shiori finds out that Heather and Michael has been taken by the Dark Genesis. And you know her way of thinking once she hears about something like this.

Sharifa: Yeah, she goes out on her own rescue mission, while putting herself in danger.

Irina: *russian accent* And ever since she came to live with us, we've grown attached to this young girl, not to mention that she lost her mother long ago, so... finding Heather and Michael and getting them out of whatever spaceship they were being taken to is what we need to do... before she finds out about what has happened to them.

Rika: *japanese accent* Question is, however... If that spaceship is said to be here, where could it be located exactly?

Frederica: I don't know, but we need to find it... and fast. *sighs*

Anju: Hang in there, Freddie, i'm confident that we'll find it.

Huang: *telepathic voice* Indeed. Your technology stuff has never failed us whenever the job needed to be done in a flash.

Shogoku: *japanese accent* Then again, if your tech stuff can't locate her... we can still use the People Finder that Mark-san gave me to find that ship.

Misa: We'll probably save that as a last minute resort, in case Freddie's tech stuff can't find the ship, Shogoku.

Kagekiyo: *japanese accent, spirit appears* Well, at the rate things are going, seeing that i can't spiritually detect it either, we'll indeed be in need of this... gadget that you like to carry with you so much, Shogoku.

(But Kagekiyo would be proven wrong, as the sky would suddenly start to darken itself. And as it did that, Akane was the first to notice something extremely big approaching the Earth.)

Akane: Uh, guys? I don't think the People Finder will be necessary to locate that super humongous ship.

Huang: *telepathic voice* What makes you say that, Akane?

(Background Music: Doubtful Castle from Metal Slug 3D)

(To show the proof of what she just mentioned, she pointed to the sky, where all of the divas would suddenly notice that the darken sky would actually be a very large spaceship slowly approaching the planet Earth, in which it turns out to be none other than the Dark Genesis' outerspace headquarters. When they saw the gigantic ship, they all have looks of horror and shock in their eyes, Frederica being the first to be majorly shocked, not to mention it forced her to stop the bus in mid-air, while still letting it fly in the sky.)

Frederica: *horrified look* Oh... my... GOD!!

Shogoku: *japanese accent, horrified look* Could it be...?

Li: *horrified look* I think it is, Shogoku. That must be the Dark Genesis' outerspace headquarters.

All DX Divas: *horrified looks* Daaahhhh...

(While the divas were a bit horrified at looking at the Dark Genesis' gynormous ship, we zoom away from the bus and take one more look at the huge spaceship that is now close to the planet Earth for a few more seconds, just before we could head to a commercial.)

(End Doubtful Castle)

(Things are looking really bad now. First, the Solomon/Walter couple ends up being captured by the Dark Genesis and then, the divas' friends ends up being captured as well. And if that wasn't enough, now the Dark Genesis' outerspace headquarters has closely arrived on Earth. What will the divas do now? Find out after a word from our sponsors.)
Musics used in Act 4 of this story:
Final Destination (Super Smash Bros. Brawl) [link]
Fierce Battle (Metal Slug 5) [link]
Peach's Castle is Being Stolen (by the Mario Galaxy Orchestra) [link]
Doubtful Castle (Metal Slug 3D) [link]

Story Synopsis: Today, on The DX Divas Show:

When the DX Divas, Shiori and Nadia sends Heather and Michael on a vacation on Wuhu Island, they take the opportunity to organize the preparations for the wedding anniversary celebration of the couple, while taking their minds off the case of the curse that is on Proto Man's body, as seen in the last episode. But things takes a turn for the worse when the Dark Genesis would finally unleash their master plan by capturing the couple when they least expect it and brings them both on board of their outerspace headquarters.

And if that was not enough, as the divas goes on a rescue mission, their friends that they invited to the wedding anniversary celebration ends up being captured by some monsters, sent by the Dark Genesis themselves, although Sakuya, Mai and Aurora manages to escape capture. Now, unaware that their friends are being captured, the divas races to find the outerspace headquarters and to rescue the couple.

Will they be able to find their headquarters, while fending off an army of monsters? Find out on all-new episode of The DX Divas Show! Next!


Writer's Comments: At long last, the three-part finale of the first arc of The DX Divas Show starts. And boy, this one will be my biggest challenge to date, since this is the first time that my series goes on a multiple parter here. I mean, ever since i started this series, i never thought i would make it this far in my stories.

But anyway, here we are now, folks. Lots of special guest star OCs will be seen in that one, as i want to make it as epic as possible, so i hope you'll enjoy it. And no worries, i'll get to part two momentarily, so until then, enjoy the first part, everyone.

Act 4 is where the heroes are now the ones being captured by the monsters, while trying their best to fend them off as best as they could. Veronica also ends up being captured as well.

Copyrights of the aforementioned belongs to the following:

Eric B. and DX Divas Show characters: (C) *shnoogums5060
Donald and the Returner: (C) ~VoltronZ1
Delphine: (C) *Danielle-chan
Mecca: (C) *Kimeria87
Neo-Japan 3D Custom Girl characters: (C) *RedFalcon23
Gambu: (C) *Shinobi-Gambu
Jose Ramiro: (C) *Jose-Ramiro
Maaya Fu/Sailor Silence: (C) =Paprika-Studios
Alondra: (C) ~carlos1976
Sai: (C) ~Kalindorf
Ryota Haruki: (C) ~RedPhoenix15
Johnny Martin: (C) ~BlueStar05
ExVeemon and Stingmon: (C) Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation and Saban Brands
Servo: (C) Tsubaraya Productions, Ultracom and DIC Entertainment (now known as Cookie Jar Entertainment)
Hotaru Tomoe: (C) Naoko Takeuchi and Toei Animation
Sweetie Belle: (C) Lauren Faust (aka *fyre-flye) and Hasbro Studios
Power Rangers characters: (C) Haim Saban, Saban Brands and SCG Power Rangers LLC
Cyclopter: (C) Haim Saban and Saban Brands
Genpei Tomaden characters: (C) Namco-Bandai Games
Griffozer and Lami: (C) Toei Company
Commander Borf: (C) Digital Leisure and Dragon's Lair LLC
Develon: (C) Taito Corporation and Square Enix
Proto Man and Dr. Light: (C) Capcom
© 2013 - 2024 shnoogums5060
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RedFalcon23's avatar
poor heroes, specially veronica